One thing to know for certain is that the vaccine is highly effective and limits the serious complications of SARS CoV-19. We all know that the pandemic has had a huge effect on the delivery of healthcare, but it is not the only issue that faces Optometry in 2021. The POA is like a duck on a pond, looking tranquil on the surface, but the feet are moving 100 MPH below the surface. The new ground created by the “Modernization of Optometry Act,” Bioptic driving, and the pending Children’s Vision legislation have many committees in high gear. We are aiding in the development of regulations and standards that will carry these initiatives far into the future. Also, other committees are developing public service messages that highlight Optometry and aids to help school nurses better define children with covert binocular vision anomalies. All of this activity is being performed by volunteers with the outstanding support of the POA staff.
We are the POA: multiple generations of optometrists working together, giving their time, unique skills, and effort to move Pennsylvania Optometry forward! I am asking you to join us in our effort by participating on a committee and use your unique skills to advance optometry. You will find that the rewards are unlimited. After 35 years, that’s exactly my experience.
Until soon,
POA President