Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Why do children need the POA?

Did you know there are approximately 1,745,000 students enrolled in Pennsylvania schools? Studies estimate 33% of these students are at risk for vision problems. That is approximately 576,000 students. Did you know 40% of students with learning disabilities have vision issues that affect learning? Did you know Pennsylvania schools spend 9K-15K per student on an IEP (Individualized Education Program), which is required for all special education students? Recent studies have found that children who are spending increasing time on electronic devices have a higher incidence of vision deficits that impact learning. The negative impact of children’s vision problems is likely to get worse if nothing changes. 

Children need the POA because we can uniquely provide the vision and eye care children need to succeed.  The POA's Children’s Vision Care Alliance (CVCA) has been busy educating optometrists, school nurses, and legislators on the importance of proper eye care for our children’s success in and out of the classroom.

Representative David Zimmerman has introduced HB 1343, which would require children in Pennsylvania to have a comprehensive eye health exam when entering school, in 4th grade, in 8th grade, and before qualifying for special education services. This bill currently has 40 co-sponsors with bipartisan support. It is currently in the Education Committee. We feel confident this bill can pass once it is out of committee. 

So, how can you help?  Please attend our Optometry at the Capitol Day in Harrisburg on Monday, March 28, where we will be lobbying for important issues. You are all invited to this investment in the future of Optometry. Please register here: https://pennsylvania.aoa.org/education-and-events/poa-lobby-day. Learn more about POA's legislative efforts and send a letter to your legislator by visiting the Advocacy page here: https://pennsylvania.aoa.org/advocacy.

In addition to contacting your legislators, please consider joining the POA Keyperson Committee or POPAC Fundraising Committee. You don’t need experience. You only need a passion for Optometry and helping our patients.

Finally, keep your eyes open for the new POA Proactive Optometry Initiative to help advance current and future Optometry-friendly legislation, like HB 1343. More information will be available soon!

Let's get back to the children, though. One study showed that when students who were identified with visual deficiencies received proper treatment, their grades significantly improved, whereas without proper treatment, these students continued to underperform, leading to a 12% reduction in wages.  Don’t you want to be part of the solution? Educate yourself. Educate your patients. Educate your local schools. Educate your legislators. Join the CVCA. Become a Keyperson. Support POPAC. If you don’t know where to start, call the POA and we will help you. Your children, and your children’s children, will thank you. I thank you. 

(Citations for the facts included in this editorial can be found on the POA Advocacy webpage.)

Tracy Carpenter Sepich, O.D.
POA President