Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Smart Talk with Scott LaMar on WITF

On Monday, March 28, Drs. Marianne Boltz and Gregory Caldwell joined radio host Scott LaMar for his show "Smart Talk." The doctors discussed Save Your Vision Month and the importance of yearly eye examinations, along with Kids Welcome Here and how to prevent digital eye strain. To listen to their interview online, visit

Dr. Boltz explains the importance of the 20-20-20 rule on Smart Talk.

Dr. Caldwell smiles for the camera as Dr. Boltz discusses Kids Welcome Here.

Dr. Boltz and Dr. Caldwell have their photo taken by a WITF employee for their website.

Outside the green room, Dr. Boltz and Dr. Caldwell expressed their feelings about how the segment went.

Dr. Caldwell and Dr. Boltz with Scott LaMar after their segment.

Dr. Boltz and Dr. Caldwell pose for a photo outside the WITF building.